Whether it is a marathon, maths exam or even avoiding that slice of molten chocolate cake … mmm – if we want to achieve results, we all know we need to train to get there. Train our bodies, train our minds and train our errr … willpower. Simple enough right? Not always. Training can be ineffective if not planned and executed in line with what it is you want to achieve, which could mean valuable time lost and the risk of not getting the desired results. That is not so good for business. Here are our four top tips to ensure you create an effective online training strategy that will help your business grow.
Diversify your training options. Offering a wide range of training options is a wise idea. All members of your staff are unique individuals, with distinctive needs and preferences – even when it comes to learning. Offering a variety of options allows staff and managers to choose an approach that works best for them or their team, benefiting your business in the end. These options can range from online training activities, such as engaging with multi-modal Playbooks through OnRamp to practical workshops or demonstrations. Having a wide range of online training benefits each of the different types of learners and covers the basis for your training objectives. You can also diversify the way in which you assess training. This brings us to our next tip …
Keep track of results. To check that you are on the right track to achieving your objectives, you need to be continually assessing the plan. There are various ways you can do this. With online training through OnRamp, you can assign tests to each training module to ensure the student has fully engaged and understood the content. Further to this, you can run various reports to track the progress of your training objectives and pinpoint any areas that require further attention. An example could be when an employee is not performing well in a customer service module, then additional training could be recommended to build on that skill.
What are the benefits of online training? If your employees can reap real world benefits, then you can consider your online training program an effective one. State clearly the benefits of each of your online modules and activities that your employee will receive, as well as how the training is going to help them boost their performance to work more productively. This would ideally be stated before the training begins, with every exercise reinforcing the value the training experience holds. This helps employees understand why they are being asked to complete these training programs, as well as how they would apply the knowledge they learn in a real world setting.
Feedback is key. Give out surveys or questionnaires to your employees, and hold open discussions after each training initiative. Through these methods you can discover how the training can be improved on; what your staff enjoyed about the training and if you are reaching your business or brand objectives. Feedback is important, and your staff are one of the most valuable feedback assets you have at your disposal. This allows you to encourage an increase in job satisfaction rates and tailor the experience to meet your employees’ expectations. Through OnRamp, students or employees can have direct feedback with their training managers on each Playbook, allowing them to feel heard and giving the training coordinators the power to address any queries effectively.
Online training is a process that can continue for as long as an employee is with the company. It is a constant source of learning and one that should be built on regularly. This will help your employees to grow continually with the company and to remain excited about their job roles. It may not be the quickest option, but it is a process of constant evolution which will achieve the objectives you are looking for.